Last week “I Know Him So Well” screened at the San Diego Filipino Film Festival and got nominated for Best Short Animation. Not only did I get to experience something that’s still rare for me—seeing my work on the silver screen—but I also got to meet some amazing, vibrant, creative filmmakers whose work should be seen on a massive scale. The festival itself was put on by a group of people who care about the artists, prioritize the art, and cultivate community in a way I have never seen before. Due to my clinical anxiety, it’s very hard for me to take the risk of going to film festivals I haven’t attended before, and I’ve been blessed so far in this process to have had wonderful experiences at the few I’ve managed to attend in person. SDFFF is one for the books, for sure. Shoutout to my homie Trey who hit the red carpet with me and cheered when he saw Cal and Rafi show up on screen. Shoutout to every artist brave enough to share their creations with the world. Shoutout to every organizer, curator, and juror who makes sure such wonderful and often overlooked art gets seen and celebrated.